Scayl Working with Supermarket Giants Tesco to Tackle Sustainable Shopping.

Scayl Working with Supermarket Giants Tesco to Tackle Sustainable Shopping.


Scayl helping to reinvent shopping as we know it by focusing on what matters, sustainability.

Thursday 16th September 2021

The recent IPCC report on climate change highlighted that urgent action is needed to limit the effects of climate change. Some of these changes will be irreversible for centuries to millennia the report has warned. That’s why we’re acting now, to protect our planet for generations to come. Scayl is providing Tesco with packing machines to fill plastic-free returnable and reusable containers with a range of products that are staples in our diet. Scayl started as our sister company BRUU grew, packing by hand was becoming too time consuming, and sending their tea to third parties was too costly and meant losing touch with their products. To be a small company providing a tailored solution to a much larger corporation is an incredible feat for us.

The National Retail Federation and IBM Institute for Business Value 2020 report  found that 57% of people would change their buying habits in order to reduce the effects on the environment. Additionally when Oceana conducted a survey in the UK, US and Canada they found that 86% of customers are concerned about plastic pollution and 87% think that major retailers should reduce their use of plastic.

Tesco have partnered with Loop to provide a zero-waste shopping service that differs from competitors as consumers do not have to provide their own containers. Customers pay for the product, add a QR code, then return the container to get their deposit back. The container is then cleaned, and then, using Scayl filling machines they are refilled ready for restocking in store. A video on how the loop process is implemented in Tesco can be found here. Not only does that mean Scayl machines are helping to reduce plastic waste, but the machines are also able to reduce the amount of product waste by using a high degree of accuracy to correctly measure and fill the containers – without spillage. During Tesco’s first test run with Loop which was conducted online showed a strong interest in the scheme from consumers, despite the implications of the pandemic. If this response is demonstrated again during the initial store trial, this will be an industry game-changer, and one that we can’t wait to be part of.

“In 2018 the UK produced a total of 222m tonnes of waste, this is a real and serious issue that we’re facing not just here but also globally. We are very proud and excited to be working with Tesco to help reduce the amount of waste we’re producing as a country and work towards zero-waste shopping. Buying just three items from the Loop range removes millions of pieces of plastic waste – which is incredible.”

-Scott Woodhead, Founder of Scayl

As a company that is putting sustainability at the forefront of its values, we’re glad to be part of this journey to sustainable living and reducing the amount of waste we collectively produce. The trial is initially taking place in 10 stores across eastern England, and we’re looking forward to seeing where we can take our machines next.

Contact details for further enquiries.


Phone: 01748349112
