How Powerful is Packaging?

How Powerful is Packaging?



Packaging is an essential part of creating happy customers and can drive your sales in the long run. Your packaging represents your company, and you need to make it stand out. However, there’s more to consider than just the graphic design. Make sure you’re looking at the bigger picture when deciding your packaging options and not favouring short-term solutions. Take a look at the advice below to decide the best packaging methods for you. Remember that happy consumers are loyal customers!

1) Move towards Environmentally friendly packaging

Especially after the recent UN report on climate change, the push towards using environmentally friendly products is increasing and, in some industries, it is becoming a requirement. A report done by the National Retail Federation and IBM Institute for Business Value in 2020 showed that 57% of people would change their buying habits in order to reduce the effects on the environment. This essentially means that if your competitors are offering an eco-friendly alternative to your product, many of your customers might choose to purchase from your competitor. In fact, consumers hate the use of plastic to the extent that 87% of Amazon shoppers would choose a plastic-free option if they were given the choice.

So why do so many manufacturers choose plastic? The answer is because it is cheap. But that’s a short-term solution. Eco-friendly packaging is likely to cost more at first, but customers will be happier to purchase more and increase loyalty, recommending your brand to others. It also gives your company a USP, eco friendly packaging is memorable.

2) Make your packing convenient

Packaging that breaks or tears too easily resulting in product spillage is not a viable option as is angers your customers and results in wastage. For example, if you’re a coffee company and your packaging doesn’t have any way to reseal or tears easily – the coffee beans will fall out. Your customers are upset because they’ve wasted their money on something that spills upon opening or can’t be stored easily and now, they’re looking towards other competitors for a better option. Make sure that you’ve considered the design of your packaging as well as the materials.

3) Understand the physical journey your packaging will take

Make sure that your packaging is designed around the supply chain, you want it to survive the journey and reach the customer in pristine condition. One mistake that is often made is designing packaging that does not withhold the journey – particularly when exporting the products abroad. Consider the shapes and sizes, how they might be packed in bulk for shipping and how they might be displayed in shop windows and the like. Sustainability and durability are the key!

4) Can your product packaging be reused?

This one isn’t a deal breaker, however if your packaging can be reused it is essentially free marketing. People love the idea of reusing and recycling and if they’re doing so with a branded product then you’re passively increasing your database to potential customers!

Hopefully this article has highlighted some important points that you will take into consideration when designing your packaging. Remember to think of the bigger picture rather than short term solutions that may be cheaper but also less effective. Creative and innovative packaging is exciting and makes for repeat customers who buy for themselves or for friends, and whilst you’re sorting out the issues you face with your packaging, let our experts find tailored solutions to the productivity issues you may face.