Panic Packing - How Our Machines Helped During Lockdown

Dave Martin |

During the Covid-19 crisis and worldwide lockdown, many businesses were having to think on their feet and offer direct-to-consumer products. Local shops, bakeries and independent retailers started offering home delivery in a move to keep their businesses afloat. And, for the ones who were already in the online space, the challenge they were facing was huge spikes in demand. 

During the lockdown, we had been contacted by different businesses, particularly in the food industry, who were struggling to keep up with demand. 

Usually, if demand spikes in a hand-packing operation, the solution is to put more hands on the job. But, with people self-isolating, this wasn't really an option, especially if workers needed to operate in close proximity to each other.

Our packing machines helped solve a lot of problems for businesses during the lockdown, thanks to their speed, accuracy, versatility and portability. One coffee business owner had even started packing his coffee roasts at home, whilst we sold four machines to high-street bakers Haighs, who diversified into offering baking kits on social media. Without our machines, the bakery was having to turn away business - read about how we help Haighs Bakery here.

If you are finding it difficult to keep up with demand, then get in touch with our team on or by calling 01748 349 112. We would love to talk to you about how we can help!